Damajagua 27 Falls is the most unique and exciting adventure tour in the Caribbean region, not to mention Puerto Plata and the whole Dominican Republic. This natural set of cascading pools are located inside a forest where visitors are taken between 7, 12 or the complete 27 falls. Physical condition is a plus, because the visitor must swim, jump and walk between these natural pools and it is a bit challenging to some.

Damajagua: A Hike to the Falls

When you arrive at the location, the first step is to go to register and then you go to an area where they gear you up for the tour. There they provide all the safety equipment. You choose the life jacket of your size, the closed shoes of your size and the helmet.

Once the walk begins, you cross a wooden bridge, going through several paths, then crossing a creek; the water does not go above your ankles. Then the climb up the river begins, and the walk can take approximately 45 minutes, of course, if you choose the 12 falls category.

The time varies for each category, the one with 7  falls lasts less, and the one with the full 27 Falls lasts much longer. It is important to note that these tours, regardless of which category you choose, are always led by a fully prepared and trained guide, to ensure the safety of tourists.

On Video:

Natural Water Slides

One of the coolest things we enjoyed was the natural water slides between the 27 falls, you just cross your arms and slide down, winding towards the next pool. The lush, natural greenery of the area makes it so unique and original.

It is also impressive to see the huge rocks and the natural composition that this place has, it is wonderful and we realize that nature is perfect and we must take care of it. The place was a spectacular experience full of adrenaline and adventure, highly recommended if you’re into this Eco challenges.

How To Book:

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